Djernes & Bell is an architectural practice based in Copenhagen with a special interest in what already exists: built, material, human, natural.
Founded in 2020 by Jonas Djernes and Justine Bell, Djernes & Bell are interested in low-carbon, bio-inclusive and regenerative practices & how architecture can contribute to the new narratives, rituals and spaces that will support the repair, restoration and reconciliation required in our current situation of multiple planetary breakdown.
The future is in material localism, bio-ethics, generational justice and the potential for materials and making (making good, making do) to connect humans to the landscape through collaboration, community and care.
Prior to starting their own studio, Djernes and Bell collaborated on many independent design and architecture projects around the world. Both have many of international experience at award-winning architectural practices in the United Kingdom and Denmark.
Founded in 2020 by Jonas Djernes and Justine Bell, Djernes & Bell are interested in low-carbon, bio-inclusive and regenerative practices & how architecture can contribute to the new narratives, rituals and spaces that will support the repair, restoration and reconciliation required in our current situation of multiple planetary breakdown.
The future is in material localism, bio-ethics, generational justice and the potential for materials and making (making good, making do) to connect humans to the landscape through collaboration, community and care.
Prior to starting their own studio, Djernes and Bell collaborated on many independent design and architecture projects around the world. Both have many of international experience at award-winning architectural practices in the United Kingdom and Denmark.

Justine Bell
A graduate of the Bartlett School of Architecture (where she was awarded the Sir Banister Fletcher Medal) and the University of Cape Town, Justine has worked with John Pawson and Carmody Groarke in London and Gottlieb Paludan in Copenhagen. Justine Bell lectures regularly on reparative and ecological thinking in architecture and leads the non-for-profit research organisation Building The Symbiocene, who investigate regenerative futures for the built environment and in particular connections between architecture and agriculture.
Jonas Djernes
A graduate of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture (specialising in Cultural Heritage and Transformation), Jonas worked with 6a architects and Caruso St. John in London and Leth & Gori in Copenhagen. Jonas taught at the Institute for Architecture and Technology at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture.
Djernes & Bell Architecture
Nyvej 16C
1851 Frederiksberg
+45 40819205
CVR: 39889617
Djernes & Bell er en arkitektpraksis med base i København, med særlig interesse for det, der allerede findes: bygget, materialt, menneskeligt, naturligt.
Djernes & Bell, som blev grundlagt i 2020 af Jonas Djernes og Justine Bell, er interesserede i klimavenlige, bio-inklusive og regenerative praksisser og hvordan arkitektur kan bidrag til de nye fortællinger, ritualer og rum, der vil understøtte den reparation, restaurering og forsoning, der kræves i vores nuværende situation med flere planetariske sammenbrud.
Fremtiden ligger i materiel lokalisme, bio-etik, generationsretfærdighed og potentialet for materialer og det at gøre (gøre godt, gøre det) for at forbinde mennesker til landskabet genne, samarbejde, fælleskab og omsorg.
Forud for at starte egen tegnestue, har Djernes & Bell samarbejdet med mange uafhængige design- og arkitektprojekter verden over. Begge har stor international erfaring med prisvindende tegnestuer i England og Danmark.