Diversity Beer - From Genius to Collective
The Danish Association of Architects
Justine contributed on this talk, with thoughts on the more than human and deep-time perspective of the Collective.
‘Since the renaissance architecture has been elevated as individual works and the architect celebrated as a unique artistic genius. This has been reflected in the names of the architectural offices, in the literature, awards, role models etc., and symbolized as the figure Genius. However today we see an increasing focus on the collective. Platform for Diversity and Equality invites you to an open discussion about whether the architectural profession has room for both Genius and the collective.
In different contexts – both in Denmark and beyond – the focus has shifted from praising the individual architect, as the singular artistic capacity to an acknowledgment of the collective making. A change that can be seen both in the light of the struggle for diversity and equality and the many different skills that are essential to create qualified architecture that reflects society.
Platform for diversity and equality invites to an open discussion of the notion of Genius versus the strength of the collective, and what this means for the architectural quality.’
“Who is the Architect?”
Mette Johanne Hübschmann, Architect MAA and ph.d. fellow at The Royal Danish Academy – Architecture, Design and Conservation
“The strength of the collective”/ Søren Nielsen, Architect MAA and Partner, Vandkunsten
“Building the Symbiocene” / Justine Bell, Architect MAA and Partner, Djernes & Bell