The Danish Academy
Committe for New Perspectives 

Justine Bell has been appointed as part of a new committee in the Danish Academy  (Akadamiraadet).  The Committee for New Perspectives has focus on the major planetary crises facing Denmark and the global community and engaging new generation architects and artists in these issues and the work of the Academy.⁠

Appointed Members:⁠
Justine Bell – arkitekt ⁠
Paola Paleari – billedkunstner⁠
Rikke Rohr – arkitekt ⁠
Anna Weber Henriksen – billedkunstner⁠
Asal Mohtashami – arkitekt⁠
Martin Brandt Hansen – billedkunstner⁠
Magnus Maarbjerg – arkitekt⁠
Kevin Malcolm – billedkunstner⁠
Mahamed Abdi – arkitekt⁠
Maj Horn – billedkunstner⁠
Markus von Platen – billedkunstner⁠
Oskar Holst Kurtzweil – arkitekt⁠

The Academy (Akadamiraadet) is the state's advisor on artistic matters within the fields of visual arts and architecture, and is available to municipalities and regions. The council is an economically and politically independent state institution under the Ministry of Culture; an impartial professional body where all council members are active practitioners in their respective fields.⁠

Link to committee site