
Home and Learning Centre

850 sqm

Djernes & Bell har stået for ombygning af fire huse, tegnet af Gehrdt Bornebusch, hvor fokus har været at skabe nye inkluderende rammer for madlavning, arbejde i køkkenhaven samt fællesskab til et eksisterende bofællesskab.

Operation Madglæde understøtter 24 unge og voksne med særlige behov, så de får flere og bedre sociale relationer, et rigere og gladere ungdomsliv og en stærk følelse af at være inddraget i deres egen udvikling i de år, hvor de bor i Elleslettegårds 4 bofælleskaber. Projektet tager udgangspunkt i principperne for have til mave og høst til hus.

Djernes & Bell have been responsible for renovating four houses, designed by Gehrdt Bornebusch, with a focus on creating new inclusive spaces for cooking, working in the kitchen garden, and fostering community within an existing co-housing community.

Operation Madglæde supports 24 young people and adults with special needs, aiming to provide them with more and better social relationships, a richer and happier youth life, and a strong sense of being involved in their own development during the years they live in the 4 co-housing communities of Elleslettegård. The project is based on the principles of "from garden to table" and "harvest to home." ⁠

We are delighted to collaborate with Carlberg and @a.bech_aps⁠.